
Friday, 12 February 2016

Monday Wear

In recent years I've noticed "Monday wear" becoming a popular thing in Trinidad Carnival. Monday wear is a separate costume altogether which is not as pretty or bedazzled (for lack of a better word) as a carnival costume. Monday wear as far as I've heard can range in the hundreds to a thousand, I think might have been the highest price that I've heard so far for a Monday costume, but I cannot say I've done any research on this. For those reading who are not familiar with carnival before Monday Wear was a thing people used to wear a dressed down version of their carnival costume, that is, just the "bikini and beads" no head piece, arm bands, leg bands etc.

I don't agree with the Monday Wear trend and recently posted a status saying:
"What is this thing about paying for a costume and "Monday Wear" about? Whatever happened to wearing a dressed down version of your costume on Monday and then the full thing on Tuesday? Especially since costumes are already so expensive, all that money for one day now?"

Again, for those reading that aren't familiar with Carnival, a female costume in a large band costs TTD3000+, I'm sure its really TTD4000+ but just to be fair/ safe I'll say TTD3000+.

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